
Sales Visits By Purdue In Massachusetts

The data in this table was filed as an exhibit in Commonwealth v. Purdue Pharma et al., Civil Action No. 1884-cv-01808 (BLS2) (Exhibit 1). The exhibit is available to the public on the Commonwealth of Massachusetts website as a downloadable PDF file.

This data represents over 150,000 visits by Purdue Pharma sales representatives to Massachusetts prescribers and pharmacists between 2007-2018.

Learn more about the case or read the complaint.

You can download the csv file that is used to generate the table below here.

How to Search

Data can be filtered alphabetically by sales representative last name using the A-Z buttons. It can also be searched by keyword or by column field using the Search box. Use the << Page >> arrows to move to the previous or next page of results.

To search within a specific field, enter the name of the field followed by a colon and value. Use all lowercase for the field name. Do not add a space after the colon.

Example searches: