Last Name, Initials and/or Name of Corporate Author.
If no Author is indicated it is optional to either use ‘Unknown’ or to begin the reference with the Title. Maximum of three authors. If there are more than three authors, list the first three followed by ‘et al.’
The title of the document.
Use the subject line of a memorandum or letter. If a document lacks a title, create one and enclose the title in square brackets.
Date of Document
Where documents indicate a specific date, the format is a numeric representation of day followed by a 3-letter month, e.g., 3 Apr
The year of the document represented as a four-digit year.
The collection in IDL from where the document comes.
Access Date - Optional
Use the format: (Accessed 2003 Mar 7)
Author. Title. Date of Document Year. Collection. URL
Boyse S. Far East ETS Programme. 26 Jul 1991. British American Tobacco. https://www.industrydocumentslibrary.ucsf.edu/tobacco/docs/ljjf0212 (Accessed 2002 Oct 12).
Philip Morris (Australia) Limited. [Letter to W. Refshauge, Chairman, National Health and Medical Research Council]. 19 Oct 1967. Philip Morris. https://www.industrydocumentslibrary.ucsf.edu/tobacco/docs/lrmm0111
The directions below will help you set up a "tobacco document" reference style in EndNote or RefWorks. A tobacco document reference style is not required to download and cite our documents but many users find it more helpful than using the "generic" reference style.
Tobacco Document Reference Type - EndNote [PDF]
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