Distract, delay, disrupt: examples of manufactured doubt from five industries.
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How Big Tobacco Hooked Childen on Sugary Drinks
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Smoke and Fumes: A Hidden History of Oil and Tobacco
Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), 2016.
Food safety scientists have ties to Big Tobacco: 'Hired guns' tasked with overseeing approval of additives
Young, C., Quinn, E. Center for Public Integrity, 2015.
Politics, Profit, and Psychiatric Diagnosis: A Case Study of Tobacco Use Disorder
Hirschbein, L.D. American Journal of Public Health, September 11, 2014: e1-e9.
Same Strategy Different Industry: Corporate Influence on Public Policy
Shelley, D., Ogedegbe, G., Elbel, B. American Journal of Public Health. February 13, 2014: e1–e3.
Profits and pandemics: prevention of harmful effects of tobacco, alcohol, and ultra-processed food and drink industries
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Soda and Tobacco Industry Corporate Social Responsibility Campaigns: How Do They Compare?
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Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming
Oreskes, N., Conway, E.M. New York: Bloomsbury Press, 2010.
The bottom line or public health: tactics corporations use to influence health and health policy, and what we can do to counter them
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The perils of ignoring history: Big Tobacco played dirty and millions died. How similar is Big Food?
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Tobacco Control: What can be learnt and applied to nutrition policy?
A report commissioned by Diabetes New Zealand Inc. Allen & Clarke Policy and Regulatory Specialists Ltd, 2004.
Who Has Used Internal Company Documents for Biomedical and Public Health Research and Where Did They Find Them?
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Tobacco Documents Research Methodology.
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A Guide to Deciphering the Internal Codes Used by the Tobacco Industry.
Cullen, D., Wayne, G.F., Connolly, G.N., Koh, H. Harvard School of Public Health, Division of Public Health Practice, Tobacco Research Program, August 2005.
Remington Rifle Trigger Defect Documents.
Set of documents disclosed from the lawsuit Pollard v. Remington Arms and made available for public use by the non-profit legal advocacy organization Public Justice.
Toxic Docs.
A dataset and website managed by Columbia University and the City University of New York, containing millions of pages of once-secret corporate documents about asbestos, polyvinyl chloride, benzene, silica, and lead.