Contains selected documents from the Franklin C. Bing Papers housed at the Annette and Irwin Eskind Family Biomedical Library and Learning Center, Vanderbilt University.
This collection contains selected personal papers of nutritionist and chemist Franklin Church Bing (1902-1988), a leading food scientist and government/industry consultant. He received his PhD in 1930 from Yale University and became a faculty member of the Department of Biochemistry at Western Reserve University. Bing left academia in 1936 to join the scientific staff of the American Medical Association in Chicago, where he served as the Executive Secretary of the Council on Foods until 1943. From 1943-1950 he was Director of the American Institute of Baking and later served as a Consultant to the Delaney Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives. From 1953 on, Bing served as an independent consultant on food and drugs for both private industry and government agencies. In 1985 he served as Archivist at the American Institute of Nutrition.
Dates: 1930-1987
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