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Friday, December 11, 2015

IDL has launched its new Login feature!

By logging in from the home page (, you can:

  • Save your bookmarks and search histories indefinitely
  • Set and save your search preferences
  • Set display preferences for search results, saved documents, and search histories
Register with your email address to create an account!
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Real Risks of Rx Drugs - Georgetown University Conference

Don't miss 'The Real Risks of Rx Drugs', June 11-12, 2015, Georgetown University, Washington DC.

This conference will cover the invention of disease states; over-promotion of testosterone, hypoglycemic drugs, anticoagulants, psychiatric drugs, and fluoroquinolones; the skyrocketing costs of drugs, and much more. Meals and up to 12 CME credits are included in registration. Scholarships are available.

For more information, including a downloadable flyer, and abstracts of presentations, see

For questions, contact Alessandra Hirsch ( or call 202-687-1191

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Do You Use Bates Numbers In Your Search? Have 15 minutes to Test the Industry Documents Digital Library site?

If you’re an LTDL or DIDA user that searches with, pays attention to, and/or browses by Bates numbers, we’d love your help testing out a feature of the new site -

You'll take a short, self-directed test from the comfort of your own computer in exchange for a $10 Starbucks gift card (and the warm, fuzzy feeling of helping to make our new site as useful and usable as possible).

We’ve partnered with UserTesting to record your feedback as you browse the new site.

    •   Please go to the following URL to start the test:

    •   You’ll be asked to download a small piece of software to record your test

    ◦   This is a small, safe program that should launch after the download has finished

    ◦   It will only record your screen and voice during this testing session, not your face, and you can uninstall it when the test is finished

    ◦   Your whole screen will be captured, so please collapse any sensitive windows

    •   Once you’ve started recording, it’s very important that you end your recording before 60 minutes is up (but it won’t take nearly that long, we promise). Unfortunately, if you go past 60 minutes your video will be lost

Please let us know if you have any trouble, and have fun!
Wednesday, April 01, 2015

DIDA - New Search Features and Countdown to Site Launch

We are excited to announce the launch of an updated version of our newly redesigned Industry Documents Digital Library (IDDL) application!

This updated release includes a new look as well as new content pages and new features.  This release also starts the countdown to the retirement of the current LTDL/DIDA sites in June 2015 so if you have not begun using the beta site, now is the time!

*Just a reminder: You can search across industry archives (LTDL and DIDA) from the main IDDL portal - or head right to the specific industry -
Tobacco = OR
Drug =

New Content Pages:
Each industry archive now has its own set of Collection, Research Tools and Help pages.  Here you will find resources such as collection descriptions for each industry archive, links to the publications/papers written using documents, fields you can use in your search and citation information.

New Search/Browse Features:
When you do a search and select a document to view, you will now notice a Browse option in the upper right of the screen.

  • "More Like This" - brings back 10 documents that match the primary document's title and author. Click on one to view it full size in the document viewer. You can always return to your original document by clicking "Back to Original" in the carousel header or just scrolling back to your highlighted original document. We hope this will assist users in finding more relevant documents and facilitate new threads of search.
  • "Prev/Next Bates" -  Allows you to view the thumbnails of documents that have bates numbers before and after the primary document.  Click on one to view it full size in the document viewer.  You can always get back to your original document by clicking "Back to Original" in the carousel header or just scrolling back to your highlighted original document.

    New "Actions" menu: 
    This menu houses all actions for the document in question: Save the record to your "Bookmark" area, download the PDF and associated attachments,  download the citation information, view all metadata in the record, and email the document to yourself and/or others.

      Please let us know how these new features are working or not working for you.  You can submit feedback through either the survey link at the top of the screen or the Ask Us form under Help.   We are confident users will find the new site has all that LTDL and DIDA had and so much more but your input will assist us in making it even better.
      Tuesday, March 10, 2015

      New Seroquel Documents posted to DIDA

      110 new documents have been added to the Seroquel collection on the Drug Industry Documents Archive (DIDA).  This collection now contains 351 documents from litigation against UK-based AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, the maker of Seroquel, an antipsychotic medication used to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The plaintiffs alleged the drugmaker failed to warn users of the drug's possibly harmful side effects, including the risk of diabetes and related medical complications.
      Tuesday, January 27, 2015

      New Celexa Collection posted

      The Drug Industry Documents Archive has a new collection:
      The Celexa and Lexapro Marketing and Sales Litigation collection contains 115 documents from a class action lawsuit alleging that Forest Pharmaceuticals misled consumers and the medical community about Celexa’s and Lexapro’s efficacy in treating pediatric depression.

      *Please note the links now go to the new Industry Documents Digital Library site containing both LTDL and DIDA.
      Friday, November 07, 2014

      New DIDA site is now in beta!

      For the past year we have been developing a new DIDA with expanded functionality and an updated look.  This new DIDA is now accessible alongside a new Legacy Tobacco Documents Library (LTDL) and both are found within the Industry Documents Digital Library portal.  This means all industry archives can now be searched individually or together under one umbrella.

      There are two ways to access the DIDA beta site -

      1)  Direct URL -
      2)  From the current DIDA site, there is a link to beta in the top banner as well as a pop up invitation that will appear.

      You might want to start by watching the tutorial, also accessible from the Tutorial Videos link at the bottom of each page. 
      While we are in beta, we hope as many users as possible will try out the new site, play around with the search functionality and new features, and provide feedback through the survey link located at the top of every page.  We need to know what you like and dislike about the new site in order to make it even better!