
Donate to the UCSF Industry Documents Library

Contribute Documents

The UCSF Industry Documents Library relies on lawyers, journalists, researchers, advocacy organizations, and other groups to help build our document collections. We collect industry documents from litigation, Freedom of Information Act Requests, partner libraries, and other sources. For more information please see our Collection Development Policy.

If you would like to contribute documents, please contact our staff. Document contributions may be made anonymously.

Make a Financial Donation

Since its inception, the IDL has become a cornerstone for researchers, journalists, and the public seeking the truth behind some of the most pressing issues of our time. Our collections include millions of pages of internal documents, marketing materials, and scientific studies, exposing the often-hidden workings of these powerful industries. But here's the challenge: making this vast information freely available comes with a hidden cost. Preserving and providing access to these millions of pages requires robust servers and infrastructure, and unfortunately, many of these costs are not covered by traditional funding sources. That’s where you come in. As you leverage the IDL materials, we hope you will consider making a gift to support our work. By making a gift today, you will directly help us bridge this gap and ensure the IDL remains a beacon of transparency and accountability.

Donor support allows the Library to expand and maintain its collections by providing:

Your gift is a tax-deductible donation to the UCSF Foundation, in support of the Industry Documents Library (tax ID number: 94-2829914). For more information please see Giving to UCSF: Frequently Asked Questions.

Thank you for your support!