As OIDA users explore documents, you may come across unfamiliar acronyms. To help researchers, we’ve started this glossary, noting when an acronym may be company-specific. Find an acronym not listed here? Send us a message and we’ll do our best to help!
ABC = AmerisourceBergen Corporation
ABL = area business liaison (Insys)
ADE = adverse drug experience
ADR = adverse drug response
ADT/ADF = abuse-deterrent technology/abuse-deterrent formulation
ADTB = aberrant drug-taking behaviors
AE = adverse event
ALJ = administrative law judge
ANDA = Abbreviated New Drug Application
APAP = acetaminophen
ASI-MV = Addiction Severity Index-Multimedia Version
ASSP = associate specialty sale professional
ATC = around the clock
BCBS = Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance company
BIN = bank identification number
BRM = business relationship manager (Insys)
BTCP/BTP = breakthrough cancer pain/breakthrough pain
C.A.R.E.S. = Collaborating and Acting Responsibly to Ensure Safety [Alliance] (Mallinckrodt)
CIA = corporate integrity agreement (McKinsey/Purdue)
CII/C2 SAO = class two (or schedule II) short-acting opioid (immediate release)
CIP = customer in process
CIS = Compliance Implementation Services
CMA = certified medical assistant
CMO = contract manufacturing organization
CNCP = chronic noncancer pain
CNS = central nervous system
COB = coordination of benefits
CPhT = certified pharmacy technician
CSA = Controlled Substances Act
CVS = CVS Pharmacy
DC = distribution center
DIRT = data interpretation and review team
DOA = date of approval
DOD = date of denial
DOI = date of injury
DOS = date of service
DMP = drug management program
DSM = district sales manager
DUR = drug utilization review
Dx = diagnosis
E2E = Evolve to Excellence (McKinsey)
EAPA = ensuring appropriate patient access (McKinsey)
ER = extended release
ERO = extended-release oxycodone
ESI = Express Scripts, Inc. pharmacy company
FAERS = FDA Adverse Event Reporting System
FEP = federal employee program
FBT = fentanyl buccal tablet
FF = field force (McKinsey/Endo)
FQHC = federally qualified health center
FTP = file transfer protocol
GAP = guaranteed access program (Insys)
GI = gastrointestinal
HCP = healthcare provider
HHS = Health and Human Services
HHS-OIG = Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General
HIPPA = Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HPI = history of present illness
Hx = history
IC = incentive compensation
IDA = individual drug abuser
ICD-9 = International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision
ICF = informed consent form
IDN = integrated delivery network
IMS = IMS Health
IND = investigative new drug
IR ADF = immediate release abuse-deterrent formulation
IR = immediate release
IRC = Insurance Reimbursement Center (Insys)
IRO = independent review organization (Insys)
IRO = immediate-release oxycodone
IR SE = immediate release single-entity oxycodone
ISP = Insys Speakers Program (Insys)
J&J = Johnson & Johnson
KOL = key opinion leader
KPI = key performance indicator
LASEO = long acting single entity opioid
LAO = long-acting opioid
LMN = letter of medical necessity
LOA = length of approval
LTC = long-term care
M3 = McKinsey Managed Markets (McKinsey)
M30s = Mallinckrodt’s generic Oxycodone 30 mg pills (imprinted with an M)
M367 = Mallinckrodt’s generic hydrocodone-acetaminophen (imprinted with an M)
MAT = medication-assisted treatment
MC = Medicare
MDL = multi-district litigation
MECC = medical education and communications company
MED = morphine equivalent dose
MEP = Medicare exception program (Insys)
MIRF = medical information request form
MOOP = maximum out of pocket
MOUD = medicines for opioid use disorder
MR = medical record
MRE = Medicare rules of engagement
MSER = morphine sulfate extended release
MSL = medical science liaison
MSIR = morphine sulfate immediate release
NABP = National Association of Board of Pharmacy
NAM = national account manager
NDA = new drug application
NPDS = National Poison Data System
NPI = National Provider Identifier
NPPA = nurse practitioners/physician assistants
NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
NSM = national sales meeting
O30s/OC30s = Oxycodone 30 mg pills
OER = Oxycodone extended release
OHI = opioid induced hyperalgesia
OPM = Office of Personnel Management
ORT = opioid risk tool
OTFC = oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate
OUD = opioid use disorder
PA = prior authorization or physician assistant
PAP = patient assistance program (Insys)
PBM = pharmacy benefits manager
PC = product complaint
PCN = processor control number
PCP = primary care provider
PDI = Physical Disability Index
PDMP = prescription drug monitoring program
PhRMA = Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
PIP = performance improvement plan
PMO = project management office
PMP = pharmaceuticals and medical products (McKinsey)
PMPM = per member per month (McKinsey)
PPA = patient prescriber agreement
PPPR = product, problem, patient, reporter
PPSA = Physicians’ Pain Specialists of Alabama
PRC = Promotional Review Committee (Insys)
PRN = pro re nada; as needed
PSC = Patient Services Center (Insys)
PT = patient
PUP = Purdue Pharmaceuticals (McKinsey)
QLO = quantity level override
RADARS = Researched Abuse, Diversion and Addiction-Related Surveillance
RDC = Rochester Drug Cooperative
REMS = risk evaluation and mitigation strategy
RPh = registered pharmacist
ROO = rapid onset opioid
RSM = registered sales manager
RTF = refill too soon
Rx = prescription
S&P = sales and promotions (McKinsey)
S&T = science & technology
SAMHSA = Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
SAO = short-acting opioid
SHA = Source Healthcare Analytics, LLC
SICP = sales incentive compensation plan
SOAP = subjective, objective, assessment and plan
SOAPP = screener and opioid assessment for patients in pain
SOM = suspicious order monitoring
SSP = specialty sales professional (Insys)
SV = super voucher (Insys)
SWOT = strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats
t/f = tried and failed medications
TAT = turn-around-time (Insys)
TIRF = transmucosal immediate release fentanyl
TRx = total prescriptions
UDT = urine drug testing
WAC = wholesale acquisition cost
WC = workers’ compensation
WIFM = what’s in it for me
XR = extended release
ZS = ZS Associates consulting firm
Last updated 2024-08-07